IFS Brussels 2019 at BrewDog was Tof in den hof In 2022 Join IFS Brussels 2022 @Home hybrid edition at Halles Saint Gery!!

Amazing Ingress First Saturday organized by Ingress Resistance Belgium United and Wolves of Belgium
100 agents,AP AP AP, good music and fun! 💚💙

@Leptyx (RES) and @B00uh (ENL) are the first in the world score!!!

Thanks for coming !!!

See you on the next First Saturday and Antwerp Anomaly (and maybe next year on a First Saturday Brussels 💙💚!)

And The Winners!

Global ap winner @Leptyx (RES) and @B00uh (ENL)
2 global ap @TortueRx (RES)
Trekker : @Miebler (RES)

Listen our First Saturday collaborative Cross Faction playlist @ Spotify

Wolves of Belgium and Resistance Belgium invite you for 7 september’s First Saturday in the city of Brussels @ BrewDog!!!

September’s First Saturday Brussels will be a tribute to an exceptional Brusseleer: Nobel Prize’s winner François Englert who discovered the Brout-Englert-Higgs particule (BEH boson) at CERN in 2012. The BEH boson is in the heart of ingress’ storyline.


📢 Infochannel: @FSBrussels
💬 Social Chat: @FSBrusselsChat

Facebook Event

IngressFS Belgium Instagram

First Saturday Brussel

Op zaterdag 7 september a.s. organiseren Wolves of Belgium en Resistance Belgium in BrewDog Brussels een Ingress First Saturday ter ere van Brusselaar François Englert.